There are many ways to achieve influence. Successful Influencing requires that you deploy the right strategy dependent on the situation at hand. Today we continue our influencing series by taking a look at another 3 strategies for influence.


This is the process of brokering a mutually satisfactory outcome. The purpose of this strategy is to reach an agreement between interested parties who are dependent on each other to achieve their desired outcomes. As such, bargaining requires compromise whereby all parties are willing to learn about the other’s position, are ready to defend their own positions but ultimately prepared to concede where necessary.

Bargaining/Negotiation can be achieved by:

  • Offering or exchange of favours or resources. This is often to compensate or soften the blow for the conceding party.
  • Finding common ground upon which to achieve a mutually acceptable compromise.
  • Negotiations are typically emotional so be prepared to empathise and be ready to manage your our emotions carefully. A double dose of emotional intelligence will help here.
  • Before you begin a negotiation or bargaining, be clear what your absolute threshold for compromise is so you know when you need to walk away without giving everything up.
  • A good bargaining strategy is to initially ask for more than you expect to get. This will give you a buffer and room for manoeuvring the discussions.


This is about taking the time to get to know others personally. Have you read our blog on personality types? If not, check it out here. It is important to understand the personalities of those we need to influence and engage with them in ways to which they will best respond. To build great relationships, we must find ways to connect meaningfully in formal settings as well as in informal settings.

You should invest time and effort in getting to know those you need to influence personally and maintain friendly relationships with them so that they will be more inclined to support your ideas or ally with you on important decisions.

Relationship building can be achieved by:

  • Engaging in social interactions with colleagues or customers.
  • Building and widening your network of business contacts.
  • Keeping in touch regularly as opposed to when you need something.
  • Mastering the personalities of the important parties in your network.


This involves demonstrating how your ideas fits into the values, goals and vision of an organisation or group. It requires that you show how your actions fit in or align with an overarching principle.

Common Vision can be achieved by:

  • Linking back your ideas to a vision or mission
  • Demonstrating big picture thinking
  • Appealing to common beliefs, values and emotions such as respect, team or excellence.

Next week we will look at the final 4 influencing strategies in our ToolKit:

  • Organisational Awareness
  • Impact Management
  • Logical Persuasion
  • Coercion

Some of the styles discussed have been adapted from Mcber & Company’s profile of Influence Strategies.

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