Popularity Vs Influence 



Many people assume that if you are popular then you are a person of influence. Nothing could be further from the truth and more importantly popularity may rob you of your authenticity and leadership.

A popular person is one who is liked or admired and accepted by many. For me that spells “Status Quo”, the opposite of authentic. It’s familiar and possibly comfortable. Status Quo is something leaders should be working to unravel. As a leader you don’t want people in your team operating in status quo as it robs your team of innovation and ability to effect or adapt to change.

A person of influence on the other hand is one with the capacity and ability to effect change, shape or transform a given situation or scenario and make impact. This is something leaders should strive to be. This is something leaders should strive to achieve.

Popularity is based on opinions and opinions can be changed easily. Influence is based on fact and truth which will not change easily. Influence requires a leadership mindset.

To become influential rather than popular, you must be very good at swaying the actions, decisions, and thought process of others where it matters the most.

Ultimately, influence comes down to authority. The more confident you can get people to feel about what you have to say or about you as a leader, the more likely they are to taken action on the basis of what you say or your leadership. The more people rely on your judgement and direction, the more they will begin to trust you as a leader. The more trust you are able to establish with people, the more likely they are to follow your lead.

Therefore leaders should strive for influence over popularity.

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